In my last Substack installment, I tried to make the case by way of a thought experiment that there is no such thing as “Artificial” Intelligence (aka AI). I suggested there is only intelligence, biological and nonbiological. The reader will need to decide if I made a compelling argument.
In this installment, I will combine many popular concepts with my own assertion that nonbiological intelligence is everywhere in the universe given it has been advancing itself for billions of years.
The additional concepts to be combined include: 1) the firmament discussed often by those who argue that the Earth is not a sphere as we have been taught, 2) the moon is not a natural celestial object, i.e. it may be a large spacecraft controlling aspects of the Earth, 3) the claim by whistleblowers that there is a secret space program with bases on the moon(s) of Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, and 4) Experiencers share their personal stories about a classified program referred to by those Experiencers as the 20 Years and Back Program (refer to my Substack article on the topic).
Before I jump into the discussion, let me first discuss my motivation for writing such an article. For those who have no idea about my background, let me just say I was about 20 years old when I wrote and received my first US patent. I wouldn’t say it was too technical, but it was unique enough of an idea to receive a patent for the US Air Force for whom I served. After serving in the US Air Force, I went on to wonderful technical career and become a named inventor on well over 100 US patents and many more international patents. When I retired, I began a focus on writing. This included writing several spiritually oriented books after a Near-Death Experience, science fictions books, and a book on patents I entitled: Changing the World One Invention at a Time.
Given my interest in writing and the fact that it is less expensive than filing patents, I have been working on writing a science fiction book on non-biological intelligence. The more I have researched and experienced, the more I began to wonder about my own personal view of reality. Lately, I find more and more science fiction to be science fact by way of empirical evidence, whistleblowers, and other amazing researchers. This is what many call the Woo wherein the spiritual and science fiction realms converge into our present moment from a personal experience perspective (my version of the woo).
I do not plan on presenting an in-depth discussion on each of the above concepts, but I will provide some high-level context and further study references. It is also important to point out that the concepts I discuss are not my original theories, but I will provide my ideas and make the assertion that all of these topics may actually be related. This is important to point out given there are many who have done much more research than I have done in each of these areas.
Starting Point
As I explore combining various concepts, it is important to keep in mind that the framework I am building upon includes my presumption that highly advanced nonbiological intelligence exists everywhere in our physical universe, highly evolved biological intelligence exists everywhere it can be supported in our physical universe, groups of Extraterrestrial Beings (EBs) from different worlds have self-organized into galactic alliances, and (given all these presumptions) the technology exists to build planet-sized spacecraft and planet-sized habitats.
It doesn’t take long to believe such “out there” (woo) notions are possible given the theoretical age of the universe, basic ideas such as Moore’s Law, Drake’s equation, the work of such amazing inventors as Nikolas Tesla and Charles Steinmetz, and the countless experiences and interviews shared by both Experiencers and whistleblowers on a wide range of out-of-the-box related (woo) topics.
There are also amazing thinkers, explorers, interviewers, and researchers including Clif High, Nino Rodriguez at, Kerry Cassidy at Projectcamelotportal, Dr. Stephen Greer, Dr. Michael Salla, Jean-Claude at BeyondMystic, and so many more.
The availability of out of the box thinking and information has become easily assessable and widely available. The realm of possibility can often become more than a theory (conspiracy or otherwise) the deeper one digs.
In many ways, as one begins to embrace the possibility that the universe is much different than we have been taught, a sort of personal awakening occurs to a much more colorful and amazing universe far beyond what we had thought possible. I personally find it very exciting, albeit it makes writing science fiction stories impossible at best given such notions of science fiction soon transform into science fact.
It is from this point of my personally awakening with which I begin. For those not ready for such thinking, simply look to the following as the process of what a science fiction author might do for the necessary steps of world-building in his or her latest science fiction novel work-in-progress.
Secret Space Program Whistleblowers and 20 Years and Back Experiencers
For background on these topics, I refer the reader to the work of Kerry Cassidy, Dr. Michael Salla, and others. I also recommend listening to the interviews from whistleblowers/experiencers such as William Tompkins, Michael Herrera, Captain Mark Richards, and ARTHUR NEUMANN aka Henry Deacon.
Having spent a great deal of time researching what has become known as the Secret Space Program and related topics, it seems there is a massive amount of human and ET (extraterrestrial) activity occurring beyond Earth within our Solar System. This would lead one to think we should be able to visually observe such activity.
While there are some who have captured interesting images from the moon and those who have used a technique known as remote viewing to observe activities on the moon and other planets in our solar system, the question remains: why don’t we see a busy night sky full of spacecraft and transports coming to and leaving Earth?
One can speculate that this could be due to stealth technology or other means which make it impossible to visually detect such activity. What else can be done to visually detect what should be a very busy night sky. Is there evidence of this available?
The good news is yes there is. This includes the work of the Farsight Institute and the work of James Gilliland at ECETI Ranch among others. Granted much of the observations require special equipment or infrared lenses, but such observations have been reported.
Yet this still leaves this researcher wondering. With so much high tech in use (in theory) we should see a busy night sky with some lights moving all around.
Why cant we see such lights?
The Firmament and Flat Earth
This leads me to another topic that is highly debated. To be honest, I had not even given it much thought due to the world and universe that I have personally observed all my life.
A quick search using Wikipedia leads to this Wikipedia note: “In biblical cosmology, the firmament is the vast solid dome created by God during the Genesis creation narrative to divide the primal sea into upper and lower portions so that the dry land could appear. The concept was adopted into the subsequent Classical/Medieval model of heavenly spheres, but was dropped with advances in astronomy in the 16th and 17th centuries.”
Of course, I found the above to be interesting, but I still didn’t give it much thought until a series of unrelated data points aligned inside my brain. Yes, this appears to be how my inventor brain works as I work to discover new things or attempt to make sense out of that which does not make sense.
So, one might say, I do a best fit and jam one concept into the shoe of another concept. Or one might say, the universe presents information to me when I am ready to fully consume and understand it.
I tend to like the notion that the universe is alive and ready to answer questions once we are ready to ask the questions. So, I asked do we exist within a fishbowl of sorts. Is there nothing more?
Of course, this is an extreme question and frankly I didn’t honestly believe the answer would be yes. As such I began exploring a wide range of possibilities with which a firmament could be used. I connected dots with some aspects of the work and writings of others such as Clif High about the moon and other related woo topics.
Then it dawned on me. Could the firmament be a force field dome that not only keeps the humans within its realm, but also projects a simulated universe in place of the active universe that exists beyond it?
This started to make sense to me. If I were an advanced Alien nonbiological intelligence and I was at odds with biological intelligence due to my curiosity and intense desire to learn and experiment on biological intelligence, perhaps I would agree to a treaty with such alliances of biological intelligences and agree to create a habitat where life could exist without outside influence such that it could be studied and observed.
I might ask the Alliances that agreed to such a treaty to provide a mix of many different human species within a galaxy using a base set of DNA such that life was close but not identical in order to observe how such a mix of variables would self-organize and evolve.
Now my unrelated data points were beginning to shape into related data points. It explained why the moon was placed in what I had thought to be EARTH’S ORBIT. It also explained the notion that perhaps the moon was a spacecraft, but maybe the land we call Earth encapsulated under a firmament was also a spacecraft or at the very least a habitat floating in space with which to study life of the so-called human DNA collective.
It even explained to me why many folks believe the latest launch of Elon Musk’s Starship was an attempt to break through the “firmament.” Although personally, I had been thinking it was a way to open a portal to transport one or more lifeforms to another location by way of a wormhole within the Aether. But what do I know?
In any case, I was not done yet. I also needed to connect the dots with the present moment. Not the dots related to wars and unrest on Earth, or even the notions that a deep state is at war with the general population on Earth. I needed to connect the dots with the above dots that had begun to make sense.
Time is a Bastard
What I mean by Time is a Bastard relates to how nonbiological intelligence outlives those biological intelligences with which original treaties were made and such treaties morph over time.
Highly advanced nonbiological intelligence would continue long after the biological intelligence who had agreed to treaties where gone. Such treaties would become difficult at best to understand and might even morph further once the nonbiological intelligence had lost interest in such an experiment or had concluded it. This would transfer ownership to those Galactic Alliances left holding the bag, so to speak. What would be done with the resources of such an experiment after it had completed?
This is where things get even more interesting from my perspective.
Time Reveals All
At some point in such a scenario, the population on the Earth habitat could become resources for those nefarious external biological intelligences that wish to profit from the Earth habitat. These nefarious external biological intelligences would establish alliances and bloodlines with an elite group of humans within the habitat to control the masses needed for their galactic profiteering.
Perhaps such a scenario may even occur after a galactic war where the Earth habitat became the property (or under control) of the victors who then use the biological life within the habitat for all sorts of nefarious purposes in a galactic black-market scenario.
Such activities would be a serious crime from a galactic perspective and breaking such galactic laws would eventually be discovered followed by the full force of galactic alliance enforcement responsible for order and freedom of all intelligent beings within the Galaxy. These galactic enforces would team up with the local population on the Earth realm to clean up the mess that had taken over control of it.
This of course, would cause quite a stir within the Earth habitat and would require a careful transition to limit the impact on the innocent citizens above and below the Earth realm from the war-oriented hawks. Freedom for all innocent citizens within the firmament dome was the goal and nothing could stop the change that was coming to free the people.
The cleanup would take time and effort to avoid causing an internal war sparked by the false flags used by the hawks as a control and funding mechanism. All forms of galactic technology would be used against the hawks including clones, human androids, masks, and other technologies. No matter how hard the hawks fought to maintain control, the Galactic Alliance backed humans would succeed in securing freedom for the peoples within the dome.
A major step towards freedom would be a grand reveal. A sky event would be needed to remove the force field and the simulated universe would dissolve and morph into an actual view of the real universe. The night sky would instantly come alive with activity and the Earth population would soon realize they existed within a universe that was very much alive and active.
As the shock of the night sky normalizes, the Earth population would soon transform all of its systems. This includes the money system, the political system, and all systems used by external forces to keep the Earth population in galactic slavery.
The Secret Space Program would no longer be a secret and the people of the Earth realm would begin to integrate and migrate throughout an amazing galaxy under the tutelage and protection of the Galactic Alliances.
What an interesting novel this would make. But what if this (in some form) was our present reality and the lights of truth are about to be turned on? What if we are soon to realize we are living in an amazing time of growth with the full reveal of truth’s shining light on all that had been hidden in darkness from we the people who walk all the lands above and below the Earth realm under a firmament force field displaying a simulated universe?
Perhaps ascension is this present moment and is our process of moving beyond a firmament force field into freedom within our Galaxy. Our ascension becomes moving beyond our restricted Earth habitat snow globe-like realm into a galactic community full of life and wonders we cannot even imagine nor appreciate yet.
I believe the best for humanity is yet to come.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Keep the faith humans.
“And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”